CNN’s Donna Brazile Latest Victim in 2016’s Misogynistic Media Wars


“Today we learned that CNN severed ties with longtime contributor and interim DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile. What has this to do with Comey and the FBI’s scramble to define the cork he popped out of the dangerous innuendo bottle? Quite a bit actually, especially if you’re chafed by double standards tinged with corruption and a healthy dose of misogyny.

CNN spokeswoman Lauren Pratapas was quoted as saying, “We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about [Brazile’s] interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor.” Those playing the media cynicism home game might wonder how it is that Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump’s former Campaign Manager and ongoing talking point parrot, retains his association with the network. He draws a salary from CNN while remaining an “informal, unpaid” advisor to the Trump campaign. No visible discomfort from the house that Ted Turner built.”

Read the full post at Contemptor.

Missing in Action: The Week’s Overlooked News Stories


The Cubbies are coming, tra-la, tra-la! All of Chicago and Cubs Nation has shut down for Games 4, 5 and 6 of the World Series. The excitement is palpable, as is the anticipation for the November 8 conclusion of this horrendously long and agonizing presidential election. In celebration of competition everywhere, let’s look at some fun, uplifting sports stories that may have escaped your notice this week.

Olympic swimmer may have fan to thank for saving his life

“If you see something, say something” has become one of the hottest phrases of the 21st Century. It’s often dropped with regard to counter terrorism activity, but in this case the principle was exercised by a fan who noticed a suspicious mole on the chest of an Olympic swimmer. Australian Mack Horton took to social media to give a shout out to the person who contacted team doctors about the mole after seeing the athlete compete in Rio. The results of the biopsy have not been released, but this could have been life-saving outreach from a Good Samaritan.

More evidence that 2016 could be the year of the woman 

So far, 2016 has seen a tremendous public rise in demand for “equal pay for equal work.” The first female nominee for President of the United States by a major political party is poised to take the White House, and the aforementioned Summer Olympics were dominated by American women. In the sports arena, yet another glass ceiling has been shattered, this time by a surf board. For the first time in the history, women are participating in the invitation-only Titans of Mavericks competition. Hang 10 ladies!

Long suffering Cubs fan has more than one dream come true 

It’s no secret that the blood in my veins runs die-hard Cubby blue. Watching the Lovable Losers was a huge part of my childhood, and as an adult the long-term, championship-less suffering has become more acute. A running joke grew into a painful yearning for something completely out of my control. Now here we are in 2016 and the Cubs have made it to the World Series for the first time since 1945. I’m 38 and can only imagine the agony of my elders, who waited even longer for a dream come true.  This story about a 97 year-old World War II vet, lifelong Cubs fan and the generosity of a stranger will warm your heart. This kind soul is fulfilling the wishes of folks like my grandmother and great-grandmother, who didn’t love long enough to see this day, but are with all of us in spirit.

Tim Kaine: Feminism Has a Southern, White Male Face


“It’s now abundantly clear that I and others who placed Kaine in the category of benign, unthreatening or more of the same had it all wrong. Because although the Senator poses no menace in the traditional, physical or emotionally aggressive sense, he is nonetheless kind of revolutionary. And a real thorn in the side of the Trump/Pence ticket.

The country has gotten to know Tim Kaine better over the last few months. Though the sole VP debate remains a shrill blight on the candidate’s otherwise appealing canvas (in interruptus style, if not policy and factual substance), liberals and moderates mostly like what they see. His approval rating is above 50 percent in his home state, notable in a land that leans red (as of the 2014 midterm elections). Nationally, there’s a little something for every voter demographic: devout Christian faith and missionary work, fluent Spanish-language skills that connect directly with 52.6 million native and second-language speakers (a population larger than Spain) and a stable legislative record largely devoid of flip flops. There’s also – pleasant surprise of all surprises for this pundit – a strong, defiant feminist streak.”

Read the full post at Contemptor.

Missing in Action: The Week’s Overlooked News Stories



Not everything is about Donald Trump and the dumpster fire he’s cultivated from American democracy. Let’s touch on some of the news items you may have overlooked while running away from continuous cable news election coverage.

Family finds the joy amidst pain

The agony of learning your child is terminally ill is unimaginable. My sister, a valued member of the Team and mother of two, always follows up tough parenting stories with the line “no one ever tells you THAT part.” I’m told surprises lurk behind every corner when it comes to raising children, not all of them pleasant. But this family is truly an inspiration. They have taken horrible news with grace and dignity, turning it into something immensely positive – a “joy list” of experiences to check off while they are still lucky enough to have their two year-old daughter. We all get wrapped up in daily stresses, but while reading this story of a life not wasted, take a moment to appreciate your blessings .

Bob Dylan appaerently doesn’t care about his Nobel Prize

In last week’s MIA column, we told you Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature. The academy had a hard time even finding Dylan to give him the prize money. It seems this very BFD does not matter at all to the peculiar artist.

While the Team admits to not being particular fans of the music legend, we can’t help but admire a guy who’s never been in it for the glory. Cheers to you sir.

“Weird” Al Yankovic provides much needed comic relief

If you’re like me, you barely have any space remaining in your tolerance files because of this presidential election cycle. Writing about it week after week after week has seriously become an emotional drain, so I was thrilled to discover this little gem. After Wednesday’s third and final debate, the most talked about moments resulted in viral hashtags like #BadHombres and #NastyWoman. Leave it to “Weird” Al to use them to pull off the funniest video of the week, competing against the likes of Trevor Noah from the Daily Show.

Barack and Michelle Obama: Mr. and Mrs. Frustrated, Hopeful Every American


“I’ve been around long enough to remember presidential contests where the incumbent and his team were roundly shunned by presumed successors of the same party. Al Gore dodged Bill Clinton as much as possible in 2000, and in 2008, John McCain wisely steered clear of Dubya and his war-mongering, deficit busting tenure. This year is different. Because we have a sitting President empowered by the highest approval ratings of his second term, who cares about the progress through which he has led the American people and the threatening menace posed by an authoritarian demagogue aspiring to the White House. And he is married to a partner of equal rhetorical gifts and passion for her gender, our children and our country.

Hillary Clinton is going to make a fine Commander in Chief. She is smart, tough, experienced, empathetic and practical. But damn those Obamas are something else, aren’t they?”

Read the full post for Contemptor.